10 Ab Exercises Which Help To Strengthen The Core - Pondview Landscape

10 ab exercises which help to strengthen the core

Barbell floor wiper lie flat on your back with arms extended holding a barbell above your chest raise legs to an lshaped position without touching the floor lower legs to each side and back up keeping arms straight

Medicine ball slam stand with knees bent lift a medicine ball over your head then slam it to the ground as you bend forwards at the waist catch and repeat to engage core and shoulders

Side jackknife lie on your side left arm extended right arm bent to head right leg on top of left contract obliques to bring right elbow to left leg then switch sides

Dragon flag lie on a bench hands holding bench behind head knees up to chest kick out to ceiling raising body with shoulders on bench slowly lower to feel burn in abs and lower back

Cable woodchopper set cable machine high stand sideon grab handle feet shoulderwidth apart pull handle down and across body rotating torso then return to start

Cocoon lie flat arms extended behind head feet off ground pull knees to chest lift backside lift arms over head as you perform a crunch

Sandbag situp lie with knees bent hold sandbag above with extended arms crunch forwards into a v shape then lower down

Hanging leg raise hang from pullup bar raise straight legs until perpendicular to torso then lower back down

Superman with a twist lie on stomach hands on head raise torso and twist chest from side to side to target abs and combat stiffness in back

Hollow rocks sit with legs straight hands up above head raise legs to form dish shape rock back and forth to strengthen core