8 Easy Evergreen Shrubs To Use As Foundation Plants - Millennium Outdoor Services

Palm tree palm tree 8 easy evergreen shrubs to use as foundation plants

Palm leaf green leaf gardenia this southern favorite boasts dark evergreen leaves fragrant white blooms and thrives in the heat and humidity best suited for acidic welldrained soil and partial sun exposure

Palm leaf green leaf boxwood versatile evergreens perfect for sculptural shapes or formal hedges they thrive in welldrained loam or sandy soil with partial sun exposure

Palm leaf green leaf inkberry holly smoothleafed shrub with whitegreen flowers and dark berries ideal for privacy in sunny or shady spots with moist sandy soil

Palm leaf green leaf mirror bush glossyleaved shrub from new zealand offering yearround color in various garden settings preferring slightly acidic to neutral welldrained soil

Palm leaf green leaf mountain laurel native shrubs with attractive foliage and pink or white blooms suitable for both cold winters and hot summers in cool shady spots

Palm leaf green leaf bottlebrush tree stunning shrub with red flowers attracting hummingbirds adaptable to various soils and can be trained as a small shrub or a tree

Palm leaf green leaf camellia winterblooming beauties with large showy flowers best grown in acidic welldrained soil and partial sun

Palm leaf green leaf azalea springblooming favorites thriving in acidic organically rich soil and partial shade offering a burst of color each year