8 Worst Food Trends Everyone Wishes Would Fade Away Soon - Millennium Outdoor Services

8 worst food trends everyone wishes would fade away soon

1 golddecorated food using gold leaf on food is excessive and purely for show it doesnt enhance the taste making it an ostentatious display without culinary value

2 mason jar salads while aesthetically pleasing mason jar salads are impractical eating directly from the jar is difficult and transferring to a bowl creates extra dirty dishes

3 rainbow foods rainbowcolored foods like bagels and pasta look appealing but offer no flavor enhancement their sole purpose is visual appeal not taste improvement

4 keurig coffee keurig coffee is often criticized for poor taste and environmental waste passing boiling water through plastic for a subpar cup of coffee is both potentially unhealthy and inefficient

5 charcoalinfused foods foods with added charcoal like burger buns or ice cream are trendy but unnecessary charcoal doesnt belong in food as its not a nutritional ingredient

6 deconstructed dishes deconstructed foods such as separated cheesecake elements are frustrating most people prefer fully assembled dishes over creative but inconvenient presentations

7 pumpkinflavored products pumpkin flavor is overused appearing in everything from pretzels to dog treats this excessive trend needs limits to prevent oversaturation of pumpkinflavored items

8 overthetop milkshakes extravagant milkshakes with multiple desserts stacked on top are impractical they are messy and often more about presentation than enjoyable consumption