Why Do Houseplant Leaves Turn Yellow? Common Causes And Remedies - Junk Away Services

Why do houseplant leaves turn yellow common causes and remedies

Moisture stress overwatering or underwatering are the main causes of yellow indoor plant leaves1 potted plants must be watered only when needed

Normal aging no worries here to encourage new growth and bushiness cut the main stem if the plant gets lanky

Cold draft tropical plants often turn yellow and shed leaves in cold gusts unlike short episodes of extreme cold which brown leaves or form pale translucent patches between veins

Lack of light too little light causes lower leaves to yellow before falling if this is your problem look for a clue

Nutrient deficiency insufficient nutrition might also turn plant leaves yellow a nitrogen deficit or too much calcium in hard water might cause this

Viral infection a viral infection may cause blotchy yellow areas on your plants leaves

Pests plants with dry air indoors may have pests aphids and spider mites may be slurping sap from your leaves and discoloring it yellow